Kilimo Project: Animation of Kenyan farmers’ groups

Accueil > News > Kilimo Project: Animation of Kenyan farmers’ groups

Accueil > News > Kilimo Project: Animation of Kenyan farmers’ groups

training facilitation

18 Dec 2021 | News

Kenyan farmers involved in the Kilimo project ( ) received a close support.It is the third of its kind in 18 months, to assist them in their technical and strategic questions. It is regarding the optimization of the application of the recommendations generated by the FieldSim Platform. This support was provided by our AgroTIC engineer, Akira HECKE KUWAKINO.

Role plays and group workshops were organized. They allowed the farmers to move forward more serenely, by evaluating the impact of taking into account the advice given by SMS or voice messages in time. E-TUMBA has facilitated the work at all levels of decision making on the farm. Groups of farmers and agricultural technicians, the “Extension Officers”, were invited. Throughout the two maize growing seasons (the “long rain” and the “short rain”) in Vihiga County, Kenya, they were able to:

  • Co-construction workshops with local stakeholders to work on the definition and digitization of technical itineraries;
  • Training sessions to work on the use of the tools: interpretation and application of advice, feedback;
  • Support for the experimentation of tools in the field by technicians to develop and master technically all the practical aspects of the tools;
  • Collective round tables to better anticipate the evolution of the tools, understand and manage the operational priorities of the field actors.